Wayside Pulpit
Using posters outside our church on the Upper Road in Greenisland is a great way of communicating the Christian message with the general public, whether they be driving past, jogging or walking their dog. Our aim is to engage with passers-by, to be thought provoking and challenging for both church attenders and those who have not yet visited our church.
We put thought and prayer into the posters we develop. We recognise there is always the possibility that in trying to be amusing we may appear flippant. Also, some ideas might be taken the wrong way and cause offence – which is the last thing we intend. Ideas for the Wayside Pulpit therefore need to be carefully considered before we post them in front of our church building. Those ideas that might be misinterpreted have to be discarded; it can be a fine dividing line between deciding to proceed and opting for another poster.
Ideas for our wayside posters come from a variety of different sources. The narrative may be straight or funny; a memorable one-liner from a sermon or a verse from the Bible, or a great idea from another church, which we are not too proud to use. We are always grateful for ideas: variations on headlines, catch phrases, or current advertisements. In recent years we have tried to ‘up our game’ and we welcome ideas for posters and feedback on the ideas we have deployed. We won’t promise to post it but if we consider it suitable it may appear.
Please email us at the church office.