We’ll always thrive as a church when we come together as one body to worship our God, focused on thanking Him for the grace He shows us each day without fail. While this can sometimes be tricky to notice, grasp and fully appreciate we believe that as a church we can learn together what it means to live graceful lives both within and outside our church community.
As a church we are currently meeting both in person on a Sunday morning (11am) and as an online church community. All of our online services can be accessed through our Youtube channel (link below) as well as many of our Thought for the Day videos which were made by members of our congregation.
Click on our YouTube Channel below
Sunday Services Sunday GPC 11am + 7pm Our Sunday morning service is a family service where for the first half of the service everybody, all generations, are in together. As such, it is a relaxed and lively service with lots of different people taking part. + More info
Small Groups Various Locations + Times As a church we run several small groups. Some of these are run in the church building during the day and some are run in peoples homes in the evenings. They are an excellent opportunity to get to know people better and help one another understand the Bible. + More info
Model Railway Club 4th Monday of the Month GPC 7 – 9.15pm Our Railway Club is open to all interested in Model Railways regardless of whether you have a set of your own or have years of experience. You don’t need to know anything about model railways or own a set to become a member. The Club is a great way to learn about Model Railways and meet with others. + More info
Youth Fellowship Alternate Sundays The Manse 8.30 – 10pm In the past YF met every Sunday night from 8.30 – 10pm and consisted of some food, a game, and a Bible study. Currently it looks quite different. We now run several small groups throughout the week as opposed to one big meeting to help with running and safety during covid. The groups are divided based on gender and age. + More info
Mums & Tots Monday GPC 10am – 12noon We think this is the most mis-named group in our church. We are not just a Mums & Tots group, we are an Under 4’s and their Carers group, all who are looking after wee ones are welcome. + More info
Presbyterian Women Tuesday GPC 8 – 10pm We are an organisation within the Presbyterian Church in Ireland that enables, encourages and equips women to become disciples of Jesus. As a group of women of all ages and stages of life we come together to grow in our faith through bible study, prayer, teaching and being in community. + More info
Youth Club Friday GPC Halls 8 – 10pm It is a very relaxed night anchored around a Bible teaching in the middle of the night. Either side of the talk we have a range of activities and chill out spaces that young people are free to float between. The Youth Club is designed to be a safe space in the community for young people to hang out a night a week. + More info
Boys' Brigade Mon / Wed / Fri GPC Various Times The Boys’ Brigade at GPC is long established and has been advancing Christ’s kingdom amongst boys for over 75 years. Our 3 sections meet on a Monday, Wednesday and Friday evenings. + More info
Art Club Mondays GPC 7 – 9.30pm (1st & 3rd Mon)2 – 4.30pm (2nd & 4th Mon) The Art Club is a friendly club open to artists of all abilities. Membership is open to all and if you are a beginner or someone who would like to begin painting or drawing we have experienced artists on hand to help you and give advice. + More info
Click Sunday GPC 11.20am – 12noon Every Sunday during the second half of our morning service our Primary School aged children take part in Click. This is an exciting Sunday School type programme using videos, songs, games, craft, and talks to bring the Bible to life for our young people. + More info
Prayer GPC 028 9086 6370 Prayer is an integral part of life within the church. It’s a basic way to form connection, relationship and friendship with our Creator. After all it is simply talking to God. + More info
Switch Alternate Sundays GPC 11.20am – 12noon Switch meets every other week during the church service on Sunday mornings and is for Year 8 and up. Switch aims to provide Biblical based teaching at the level of the young person and to provide a space where young people can feel comfortable and safe to explore their faith. + More info
We hope you find the time and space to engage with your faith among us.
Rev David Cromie